Zero to Hero – Noel (The Iron Man)

Heyoo everyone! You know something?! Stroke is Singapore’s fourth leading cause of death, comprising 10–12% of all deaths 1.
Its prevalence is estimated at 3.65% for adults > 50 years of age. Approximately three-quarters of strokes are
ischemic (restriction in blood supply to tissues, causing a shortage of oxygen and glucose to keep tissue alive) in nature and one-quarter are hemorrhagic. Stroke is the largest cause of long-term physical disability
in Singapore and with a rapidly aging population, the burden of stroke is expected to increase exponentially in the none
too distant future, posing challenges to the healthcare system and society.

Anyway, how was the story of our Wonder-woman? Inspiring eh?! Such an awesome lady.
This time we gonna read about a man with titanium in his head, the Ironman. He literally has titanium in him (will illustrate it soon). His name is Noel Peter Xavier … In short, we call him Noel.

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