Zero To Hero – Lily (The Beethoven)

Fun Fact: people with hearing impairments prefer to be called “deaf” or “hard of hearing. What do you think a life of a deaf person is like? Silent? A world where everything is quiet? A world where you can’t hear and indulge in music? I thought the same thing until I met Lily Goh, a […]

Zero To Hero – Darren (The Unstoppable)

When 150kg

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder; this means that the symptoms are present from an early age, usually before seven years old. As the name suggests, the symptoms of ADHD are characterised by serious and persistent difficulties in three areas, namely: inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Did you know, a survey amongst 2,400 children aged 6-12 in Singapore indicated that close to 5% of Singaporean kids had disruptive behaviour disorders. Worldwide ADHD rates are around 5%?

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Memory boost to success

Do you know something, Alex Mullen (born March 3, 1992) is an American memory grandmaster and medical student, and 2015, 16 & 17’s, IAM world memory champion?

He is the first American to win the World Memory Championships and the highest point-scorer in the 24-year history of the competition. He is a holder of seven memory world records, ranking as a top memory athlete in the world.

Wow! A young chap who received so many major awards of success just by using his memory? How?

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